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You do not belong to me(你已不属于我.)

分类: 英文签名 签名词典 编辑 : 签名大全 发布 : 06-26

阅读 :132

You do not belong to me(你已不属于我.)


There's no need to severely care what doesn't belong to you. 不属于自己的,又何必拼了命的去在乎。

YOU belong with me ![你跟我在一起才合适!] [] You are the one who makes my heartbeat.你是那个让我心动的人.

I'm just a sunflower, waiting for belong to me only sunshine.

上海同城419 you belong with me(你属于我)

You were never mine to lose. 你从来就不属于我,谈不上什么失去 。

上海同城419 I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night.-----------------[you belong with me]

上海同城419 Does not belong to you Hold tight agai.(不属于你的握得再紧也没用.)

You belong with me。你应该和我在一起。

上海同城419 YOU belong with me ![你跟我在一起才合适!]

上海同城419 We Belong Together