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你曾给我的温暖,任何一个人都将无法代替。 You gave me the warm, anyone will not be replaced。

分类: 英文签名 签名词典 编辑 : 签名大全 发布 : 06-16

阅读 :139

你曾给我的温暖,任何一个人都将无法代替。 You gave me the warm, anyone will not be replaced。


上海同城419 Life will be like a madman, to forget the life to our bumps 生活就要像疯子一样的过,才能忘记生命给我

will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗?

You cured me of my old wounds but gave me a new.你治好了我的旧伤 却给我添了新的

上海同城419 Can you give me a hug 你可以给我个拥抱吗

上海同城419 Bread I bought you to me love on the line 面包我自己买 你给我爱情就行了

You give me Stop。(你给我站住)

上海同城419 You give me Stop 你给我站住

Time to bring us harm or the future时间带给我们的是伤害还是未来

You don't have a ever make you crazy你有没有一个曾经让你疯狂的人英文签名 If I have you If you can geve me a tight hug.[如果我拥有你,如果你可以给我一个深拥]

Give me to the old love.给我到老的爱情.

下一篇:If my appearance is to give you pain, I would rather not have in your world-So young 下一篇 【方向键 ( → )下一篇】上海同城419

上一篇:I want to be with you, if not, then I will be in the place you can't see. 我希望和你在一起 ,如果不 上一篇 【方向键 ( ← )上一篇】上海同城419